Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chapter Eight: Planned For God's Pleasure

*Side note: I know I haven't written in the past few days, but I HAVE been reading my assigned chapter each night. I just haven't been able to get down here to the computer to type up my answer to the question. So don't think I've broken my Lenten promise, because I haven't.

Question: What common task could I start doing as if I were doing it directly for Jesus?

Answer: I had to really think about this one. Brush my teeth? Hey, it says common. Drive to work? Eh. I then thought of it. Get out of bed. I am sure I am not the only one that has a problem getting out of bed in the morning. There are many days I lie there and think, "I could call in sick today. No one would know the difference." From now on, when I am lying there, not wanting to get up, I will think to myself, "Do it for Jesus." Wow, that sounds really corny. But it's true. If I am to live my life for Jesus, wouldn't that start with getting out of bed in the morning? I will try this tomorrow morning and see if it helps with my retched case of The Mondays I always seem to catch.


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